South America Drive

Capybaras: The Worlds Largest Rodents


Did you know . . .


Capybaras are large rodents. In fact, they are the largest rodents in the world. They are a close relative of a guinea pig. They look like a cross between a guinea pig and a hippopotamus. They love to wallow in the shallow water and mud. They really are no relation to the hippo; but like a hippo, their eyes, ears, and nose are located at the top of their head. This allows them to be almost completely submerged in water. They can check for danger in relative safety.

Capybaras are social and prefer to live in groups. They generally grow to be around 1 ½ feet tall and about 150 pounds, but a few larger ones have been found. For safety, they prefer to live in a dense forest. However, they are semi-aquatic so the forest should be near water. Physically, they are set up for water. They have some webbing on their feet and spend much of their day either in or near the water. The tender plant life at the water’s edge is gourmet food for these herbivores. As you can imagine, they are excellent swimmers and can stay under the water for 5 minutes at a time. What you probably did not know is they can be very fast on land, running as fast as a horse.

Baby anything is cute.

Baby anything is cute.

Cabybaras can be found throughout South America…except Chile. Not sure the reason for that. They are quite docile and some people have found they make good pets. However, before you decide to add one to your home, know that they need a lot of space and plenty of water. Perhaps due to pet owners changing their mind and releasing them into the wild, a number of Capybara have found their way to Florida. Capybaras are now a familiar sight in The Everglades.

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